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Screening Event

By Bullfrog pictures & Cinémovida



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It all started in 2020.

Covid period, newspapers , tv channels, everyone was talking about the return of the drive-in theater …

End of lockdown and finally no drive-in theaters popping everywhere in France.

We partnered with cinémovida, a film exhibitor, and opened the biggest drive in theater in France.

That was a challenge, but we’ve made it, and it was a huge success with an average of 500 spectators every day for 2 months.


So, now,

every summer, the cinémovida drive in theater is taking place, not just a drive-in neither a theater, but a premium drive-in theater creating events, car services, food-trucks…

With support of occitanie


Cinema screening event

Today we can provide, Full cinema outdoor or drive in theatre experience.

We got, DCP cinema projector, big inflatable screen, longe chairs and we provide all the logistic.

You’re a company or city, you need premium quality screening event.

Let's connect ?

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